Thursday, November 22, 2018


3.2.6 Selflessness means giving priority to the nation’s interests and his official duty. A civil servant SHALL:

i. Always take decisions solely in terms of the public interest;

ii.Put official obligations before personal interests;
iii.Always be courteous and extend full cooperation and support;
iv.Be a team player;
v.Always be aware and mindful of the needs, aspirations, and hopes
   of his colleagues; and
vi.As Head of the Agency or Supervisor, be considerate of the needs of
his staff to the extent possible. A civil servant SHALL NOT:

i. Be influenced by ulterior motives while carrying out duties; and
ii. Intentionally disadvantage a colleague for one’s own benefits.

3.2.7 Loyalty means being true, loyal and faithful to the
Tsa- Wa-Sum at all times. A civil servant SHALL:

i. Defend and implement the policies and programmes of the Royal
   Government and his Agency;

ii.Work towards achieving the objectives of his Agency;
iii.Be economical and pragmatic about his Agency’s resources;
iv.Continuously learn and develop himself to benefit his Agency;
v.Be reliable, diligent and responsible in his duties;
vi.Handle and care for office equipment; and
vii.Be prudent in use of public resources. A civil servant SHALL NOT:

i. Criticise publicly the policies, programmes, and actions of the Royal
   Government and his own Agency;
ii.Engage in corrupt activities
iii.Obstruct the success of his Agency;
 iv.Steal or vandalize ofce properties; and
v. Embezzle

Note:for personal reading:
source: BCSR 2018.

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