Friday, October 26, 2018


3.2.4 Honesty means being truthful and trustworthy.
 A civil servant SHALL:

  • Declare private interests relating to his official duties and take steps to resolve conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest;
  • Display all facts and figures truthfully and completely;
  • Admit his mistake and rectify it immediately;
  • Provide sincere and complete advice, feedback and suggestions to superiors,peers,and subordinates;
  • Admit when he does not possess authority to decide;
  • Communicate openly and effectively with clients;
  • Give due acknowledgment for the work done by others, including subordinates; and
  • Ensure proper, effective and efficient use of public resources. A civil servant SHALL NOT:

  • Be impolite while being honest;
  • Be deceptive and propagandistic;
  • Hide or tamper facts and figures;
  • Blame others for his mistake;
  • Intentionally mislead by giving half-truth, fib or an omission of part or whole of information;
  • Make decisions he is not authorized to; and
  • Make fictitious claims or incur expenses such as travel and subsistence payments,unnecessarily either by themselves or by staff reporting to them.

3.2.5 Fortitude means being strong and courageous in carrying out duties. A civil servant SHALL:

  • Be prepared to make tough decisions while carrying out duties;
  • Openly communicate and provide feedback if what his superiors/colleagues/ subordinates do or say is professionally or morally unacceptable; and
  • Provide forthright and impartial advice in a constructive manner that facilitates the achievement of Agency objectives. A civil servant SHALL NOT:

  • Fear consequences for being honest and sincere in his duties;
  • Change his position or stand upon unfair pressure; and 
  • Lose focus of his Agency's mandates,and his duies and responsibilities.

Note: for personal reading.

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