Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A brief Biography Kyabje Buli Trulku.

From the time of the historical Buddha to the present day, unbroken succession of great beings have achieved enlightenment and have dedicated themselves to teaching others the path that leads to enlightenment. 
In Tibetan Buddhism, there is a widespread tradition of recognizing the reincarnations of highly realized teachers. Such incarnations are known as Trulkus. They take rebirth, out of compassion, to help miserable beings, or to carry on the unfulfilled activities of their previous incarnations. Kyabje BuliTulku is one of such reincarnations and had passed several rebirths of the lineage. 
1. Phagpa Magapa  was the foremost lineage holders of Kyabje Buli Trulku.He was one of the ten close disciples of the Buddha Gautama and was known for his clairvoyant vision.
 2. As a Tsang Legdup.
After the death of Phagpa Magapa, he was reborn as Tsang Legdup. He was born at Tsang Nemo of Uetsang Ruzhi in central Tibet.
 3. As a Yudra Nyingpo.

Yudra Nyingpo was the successor of Tsang Legdup. As a Yudra Nyingpo, he was born in the region of GyalmoTsawarong. It was in this life as a Yudra Nyingpo, Buli Rinpoche become one of the twenty-five heart disciples of Guru Rinpoche and the reincarnation of Legdrup of Tsang. 
4. As a Choeing Rangdrol.
His Eminence Choeying Rangdrol was recognized as one of the incarnations of Dorji Lingpa’s son at Lhodra in Tibet. As prophesied by his father of his karmic activities in Bhutan, he travelled through Haa, Paro, Wangdue, Trongsa and ultimately settled at Bumthang Chumey. He then established Buli Lhuendrup Choeling Monastery and propagated Dorling Tradition.15
5. As a Choing Lhuendup.
After the death of Choeing Rangdrol, Buli Rinpoche was born at Kelai village in Trongsa, Mangde Tshozhi. He was known as Choing Lhuendup in this reincarnation.
6. As a Kencho Gyeltshen.
He was again born in Trongsa, Chendebji and was known as Kencho Gyeltshen in this reincarnation. 
7. As a Tenzin Namgyel.
He was then incarnated as Tenzin Namgyel atGyeltsa in Bumthang, Bhutan. 
8. As a Sherub Jungney.
After the death of Tenzin Namgyel, Buli Trulku was reborn in Kela. In that reincarnation, he was called as Sherub Jungney.
9. As a Shacha Namgyel.It was second time that the Rinpoche was born in Kela. It was in that life, Rinpoche name was Shacha Namgyel.
 10. As a Khachap Dorji.
The ninth Reincarnation of Buli Trulku was born in Bumthang Chummey, Bhutan at Buli Wogmin Lhuendrup Choeling to Yap Choejey Pema Tashi, the Dungkhar Dunjud and Yum Kuenzang Choden from Peling DungjudTamzhing Choeje.
 11. The Present Buli Trulku. His Eminence Lam SonamLoday was born on 15th day, 10th Month of the Bhutanese Calendar in 1949 with lots of auspicious signs at KurtoeYogpalingYoesel ChoelingLakhang to Lopen Thinley, a “descendent of DungsamYurung Khoche, from Lemi, Trashigang and Ani Damchoe Zangmo from Drepong, Mongar.
Early studies.
At the age of six, Buli Trulku travelled to Kurtoe Phuning Goenpa and learned writing and Rigney from Lam Tshering in Mongar Dratshang and Lopen Jangchuk of Tagchu Goenpa. He received Longchen Ningthik Wang Lung Thri and Choga Chaglen and Torzog from Lam Kezang of Mugpa Khar,Yoeselchoeling Monastery and Lam Yangmarethroed. He received Tshoklay RinchenThrengwa from Wangthang Rinpoche and ChejogThrid Lung from ChoingRinpoche.

In the year 1960, at the age of 12, he was recognised and enthroned as the incarnation of BuliTrulku at DechenNorbu Sergi Dramthang Goenpa by Lam SonamZangpo, Dungsey Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, Kham GoloTrulku and Jadrelwa Jangchup Dorji.

In 1964, at the age of 16, BuliTrulku, with the help of Lam Longdrol, met Kyabje Dujom Rinpoche at Kalimpong in Indiaas destined by his past karma. He received complete initiations on Tersar Tradition from His Holiness. Kyabje Dujom Rinpoche subsequently named him as Longchen Gyepa and later as SonamLoday.

His Eminence was instructed to stay under the guidance of Lama Karpo of Yonphula,Tashigang, whom Kyabje refered to as his lama. From Lam Karpo His Eminence received Wang Lung Thri and Menngag on TsaSum Terchoe and Zogchen Teachings. The lama undergwent retreat at Phuningla at Aja, SingyeDzong and Drejong. He then established YongphulaThegchok Darjey Goenpa and has many disciples. 

In 1983, he moved to Zangthi as per the instruction from his root teacher Lam Karpo and at the repeated request by the people of Shingkhar Lauri. He then established Kinga Jigdrel Singye Chholing Monastery at Zangthi, Lauri Geog, under Samdrupjongkhar District in Bhutan.

In the year 2005, he established Droduel Tshangchen Shedra coinciding with auspicious day of the “First Sermon of Lord Buddha” with initial enrollment of 60 monks and nuns.

Today, he has thirteen institutions and meditation centers including two in Arunarchal Pradesh, India. More than 300 Tshampas (practitioners) have completed three-year retreat till date and currently has about 50 practitioners undergoing meditation.
On 21st November, 2014, Buli Trulku established a non-profit organization called Duejom Terling Shedra Foundation. Duejom Terling Shedra Foundation will play vital role in upholding the light of Buddha Dharma for all time to come besides helping the monks, nuns and practitioners.

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