Friday, February 22, 2019

Patriotism and Professional excellence

3.2.10 Patriotism means love for one’s country and serving its interests with heart and soul. A civil servant SHALL:

i. Love and serve the Tsa-Wa-Sum;
 ii. Be happy and proud of being Bhutanese;
iii. Do things that will strengthen peace, prosperity, and happiness in the country;
iv. Be a Goodwill Ambassador of the country while on study/training or otherwise abroad;
v. Be sincere during training/visits outside and bring back maximum information, knowledge and skills to benefit the nation; and
vi. Be willing to volunteer to serve the nation in times of need. A civil servant SHALL NOT:

i. Engage in any thought or action that would undermine peace, security and sovereignty of the nation; and
 ii. Express views or involve in activity that would tarnish the image of the country.

 3.2.11 Professional excellence means possessing right attitude and aptitude supported by strong values. A civil servant SHALL:
 i. Serve with competence, efficiency, timeliness and truthfulness in his duty;
ii. Carry out his duty ethically and responsibly;
iii. Maintain an acceptable standard of behaviour; and iv. Gain and maintain the respect of all stakeholders. A civil servant SHALL NOT:
i. Engage in unethical behaviour and substandard skills while carrying out duty; and
ii. Discriminate his clients while performing duty.

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