3.1 Policy:
3.1.2 Be guided by the values of the State.
3.1.4 Promote and maintain trust and respect for Civil Service.
3.2 Civil Service Core Values:
patriotsm, professionalism and be apolitcal in service of the Tsa-Wa-Sum. A civil servant SHALL:
i) Be conscientious at all times;
3.1 Policy:
3.1.1 | Promote a neutral, apolitcal, efcient, effectve, transparent and accountable Civil Service. |
3.1.3 | Establish the desired standard of SMART (Sincerity, Mindfulness, Astuteness, Resilience, and Timelessness) qualites amongst the civil servants. |
3.2 Civil Service Core Values:
3.2.1 | A civil servant shall maintain and uphold the highest standard of, amongst others, integrity, honesty, forttude, selflessness, loyalty, the right attude, right apttude, |
3.2.2 | Civil Service Values and Conduct shall form part of the terms of employment for all civil servants who shall read, understand and sign the commitment to the Civil Service |
3.2.3 | Integrity means putng the obligatons of public service above one’s personal interest while performing the duty. | A civil servant SHALL:
i) Be conscientious at all times;
ii) Fulfil his duties and responsibilities reliably; iii) Act in a way that is ethical and that deserves and retains confidence of all those with whom he deals; iv) Uphold administration of justice; v) Deal with the public and their affairs fairly, efficiently, promptly, effectvely and sensitvely; vi) Intend all his thoughts and actions at benefitng the system, society, and country; |
vii) Recognize and reward only those who truly deserve; viii. Maintain self-discipline and self-respect at all times;
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